INCADDS - The Irish National Council of ADHD/HKD Support Groups

ADD Research and Resources

Recommended Reading

1-2-3 Magic "Effective Discipline for children aged 2-12" by Thomas W. Phelan PHD. Published by Quality books Inc.

ADHD Recognition, Reality and Resolution. By Dr. G. Kewley, Learning Assesment Centre 44 Springfeld Road, Horsham, West Sussex, Rh12 2PD, England

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder by Russell Barkeley PHD.D, Published by Guildford Publications.

Driven to Distraction by Dr. Edward M. Hallowell and Dr. John J Ratey, Published by Simon and Schuster.

The Hidden Handicap by Gorden Serfontein, Published by Simon and Schuster

Kids Famillies and Chaos by Dr. Harry Nash, Published by Ed. Med.

Single Parenting and ADHD by Helen Graham

Understanding ADD by Dr. Christopher Green, Published by Vermilion.

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ADHD Guidelines (available from ADHD-Europe's website): Health Care Guideline AD/HD for School-age children/ adolescents (ICSI, 2007), Guidelines for AD/HD in adolescents in transition and in adults (UK, 2006), Guidelines ADHD in preschool aged children (Australia, 2000)

ADHD Working Group. (2004). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) : A Practical Guide for Schools. Northern Ireland.

American Psychiatric Association. (1987). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Washington DC: USA. 3rd edition.

Aspire - Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland. (2002). Asperger Syndrome; A Guide for Teachers. Dublin : Carmichael House.

Barkley. R.A. (1990). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: a handbook for diagnosis and treatment. New York: Guilford Press.

Biederman et al. Journal of American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry 1997; 36: 21 -29

Castellanos. Archive of General Psychiatry 1999; 337-338

CHADD. (2002). School Discipline: a position paper prepared by the national association for children and adults with attention deficit disorders. CHAAD Fact sheet (see

Cooper P, Bilton KM. (2002). Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Resource materials for teachers: A practical guide for teachers (2nd ed.) London: David Fulton.

Cox RD, Gunn WB. [I 980). Interpersonal Skills in the Schools: assessment and curriculum development. In DP Rathjen and JP Foreyt (eds.). Social Competence: Intervention for children and adults. New York: Pergamon.

Gibbons S. (2002). Lecture notes as part of a course held in Sion Hill College.

Goldmon et al. JAMA 1998:279: 1100-1107

Goldstein, S. (1994). Understanding and assessing AD/HD and related educational and emotional disorders. Therapeutic Care and Education Vol. 3 (2) pp. 111 - 125. (see

Graydon G. (1999), understanding the needs of the child with attention deficit disorder. HADD handout.

Green Dr. Christopher and Chee Dr. Kit, (1995). Management of Attention Deficit Disorder: o personal perspective. Modern Medicine of Australia, A Modem Medicine Reprint, Vol. 37 No. 2, pp 38 - 53.

Green Dr. Christopher. (1995). Understanding ADD conference presentation in Dublin on 4th November.

Green, Dr Christopher, Chee, Dr Kitt, (1997). Understanding ADHD. A parents Guide to attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Lyon J. (1995). A British perspective on the psychological assessment of childhood AD/HD, Conference Presentation: UCD

MacNeela, P. (2016). Finding Your Way With ADHD: Struggles, Supports, and Solutions. (Research Study Summary & Research Report)

MacNicholas F. (2004); Note's from talk given to HADD members, Wynn's Hotel.

Michenbaum DH, Goodman J- (1971). Training impulsive children to talk to themselves: a means of developing self-control. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Vol.77 no.2 p115-126.

Milberger et al. American Journal of Psychiatry 1995; 152: 1793-1799

MTA Co-operative Group. (1999). A 14 month randomised clinical trial of treatment strategies for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry- 56: p 1073-86

Nixon G. (2002). Notes of talk given at an information evening in Wynn's Hotel.

O'Regan F. (2002). Educating children with ADHD.

O'Regan F. (2002). How to teach and manage children with ADHD. LDA: Cambridge

Parker HC. (1988). The ADD Hyperactivity Workbook for Parents, Teachers and Kids. (ADAPT Workbook - Attention Deficit Accommodation Plan for Teaching}: Taylor and Francis.

Parker HC. (1992). The ADD hyperactivity handbook for schools. Plantation FL: Impact Publications.

Prof Excel. (2002). ADHD teacher's protocol; steps in identifying and responding to the needs of children with ADHD. Kildare.

Research team (genetic studies) in Trinity College Dublin: Prof. Michael Fitzgerald, Dr. Michael Gill, Dr. Aiveen Kirley, Aishling Mulligan, Mary McCarron BNS and Ms. Tara Hickey.

Rollercoaster. (2001). at

Szatmari et al. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1989; 30: 219-230

Tod Janet. (1998). Implementing Effective Practice London: David Fulton.

Virginia Institute for Developmental Disabilities. [199S1. Creating Collaborative IEP's Handbook: Improving Special Education Experiences Project at Virginia Institute for Developmental Disabilities. USA: Virginia Commonwealth University.

Webb -JT & Latimer D. (1993). ERIC Digest School of Professional Psychology, Ohio : Wright Stale University.

Wilkinson WK. (2003). Straight talk about AD/HD: a guide to Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder for Irish parents and professionals, Cork: The Collins Press.

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Individual Education Plans (IEPs)

Creating Collaborative lEP's Handbook (1998), Improving Special Education Experiences Project at Virginia Institute for Developmental Disabilities, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA.

Janet Tod, London: David Fulton Publishers

Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
John Cornwall and Janet Tod. London: David Fulton Publishers

Learning Difficulties
Chris Robertson and John Cornwall. London: David Fulton Publishers

Physical and Medical
John Cornwall and Chris Robertson London: David Fulton Publishers.

Speech and Language
Janet Tod and Mike Blamires. London: David Fulton Publishers

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All content © INCADDS

This website is intended for reference use by Ireland residents. For more information about ADHD and adult ADD, contact your GP or other healthcare advisor.

INCADDS   Galway, Ireland
Tel. No. (091) 798266   Email: